Bull sales history

Lichtenstein Jace

Born 19.01.2021
Sire: Lichtenstein Anton L1630
Dam: Lichtenstein Jolly2 L1270
Simmentaler Breeders Index +N$ 618
Simmentaler Profit Index +N$ 550

L2140 sold to UK Kavari

Lichtenstein Adagio

Born 20.12.2029
Sire: Ibenstein Echo MK1550
Dam: Lichtenstein Akone 2
Simmentaler Breeders Index +N$ 722
Simmentaler Profit Index +N$ 653

L1970 Lichtenstein Adagio sold to Iris Simmentaler Stud
for N$ 82 000.

Lichtenstein Anne

Born 27.12.2020
Sire: Lichtenstein Aswin L1234
Dam: Lichtenstein Atysa 3
Simmentaler Breeders Index +N$ 735
Simmentaler Profit Index +N$ 610

L2028 Lichtenstein Anne sold
to Ariane Horsthemke
for N$ 25 000.

Lichtenstein Ikone 3

Born 05.01.2021
Sire: Lichtenstein Aswin L1234
Dam: Lichtenstein Isabelle
Simmentaler Breeders Index +N$ 765
Simmentaler Profit Index +N$ 627

L2110 Lichtenstein Ikone 3
to Norbert Neumann
for N$ 25 000.

Lichtenstein Madi 5

Born 20.01.2021
Sire: Lichtenstein Aswin L1234
Dam: Lichtenstein Marcelle
Simmentaler Breeders Index +N$ 851
Simmentaler Profit Index +N$ 676

L2141 Lichtenstein Madi 5 sold to Norbert Neumann
for N$ 25 000.

Bramarein Sir Adelio

Born 07.01.2019
Sire: Bramarein Sir Hedo 14-0060MR
Dam: Bramarein Lady Aiga 12-0058MR
Rangeland Grazing Index +N$ 93
Wean Index +N$ 52
Feedlot Index +N$ 52

MR19-5 Bramarein Sir Adelio sold
to Poen Brink
for N$ 65 000.

Bramarein Sir Piero

Bramarein Sir Piero

MR 19-11
Born 20.01.2019
Sire: Bramarein Sir Ivan MR 14-8
Dam: Bramarein Lady Perry 3 MR 09-69
Rangeland Grazing Index +N$ 76
Wean Index +N$ 26
Feedlot Index +N$ 37

Sold to Erastus Kauazuupi

Bramarein Sir Galo

Bramarein Sir Galo

MR 19-21
Born 01.02.2019
Sire: Bramarein Sir Hedo MR 14-60
Dam: Bramarein Lady Geraldine 3 MR 16-10
Rangeland Grazing Index +N$ 110
Wean Index +N$ 68
Feedlot Index +N$ 72

Sold to H. Kock for N$ 44 000.00

Lichtenstein Cairo L 19-35

Lichtenstein Cairo L 19-35
Born 29.01.2019
Sire: Lichtenstein Istvan L 13-67
Dam: Lichtenstein Chrissy 4 L 14-72
Simmentaler Breeders Index +R621
Simmentaler Profit Index +R549

Sold to Sandveld Beef Station, Botswana for N$ 56 000.

Lichtenstein Jojo L 19-37

Lichtenstein Jojo L 19-37
Born 12.01.2019
Sire: Lichtenstein Istvan L 13-67
Dam: Lichtenstein Jolly 2 L 12-70
Simmentaler Breeders Index +R734
Simmentaler Profit Index +R631

Sold to Jauss Dannenberg Business Trust for N$ 82 000.